Into the New Year

Into the New Year

We’re well into 2024 and the year has already been a busy one for TGW. I’m going to share a few of our exciting projects. • Our work with the Novalis Trust in the Cotswolds, UK: We are entering our third year in bringing SRM to Novalis Trust’s Chine School. The school...

A New Article!

leitch-mccaw-2023-time-to-move-forward-resilience-and-trauma-informed-care (4) Exciting news! My colleague, Brigid McCaw, M.D. and I have had our article, “Time to Move Forward: Resilience and Trauma-informed Care”, recently published in the Kaiser...

A Startling example of “Immoral Injury”

The op-ed by Garry Trudeau (the link: ) recently published by the Washington Post is a very sad commentary on ethics challenges in glaring evidence from leaders of...

Lot’s Happening!

Here at TGW we do have a LOT happening. As you can see on our cover page, my book, Brain Gain: Timely Tools to Tackle Life’s Heavy Lifting, is coming out in March. It is a practical book that describes and applies the neuroscience information and skills that are...
Amplifying Your Capacity to Recover from COVID

Amplifying Your Capacity to Recover from COVID

The Coronavirus has required major changes in everyone’s life. It has also created a climate of stress, fear and uncertainty. The human nervous system is extremely sensitive to fear and stress and can respond in ways that generate a rush of stress chemicals in our...