Our Mission & Our Work
To amplify resilience using neuroscience-based tools for hardiness, healing, and hope in individuals and systems of all sizes
In today’s highly networked and interdependent global environment, individuals, communities and enterprises require a practical approach such as SRM/BGP which is capable of amplifying the natural resilience each of us is born with and that can have collective impact across all levels of systems, starting with the individuals that comprise those systems.
Laurie’s New Book
This is a practical book grounded in the brain’s amazing capacity to change for the better. The book is based on my many years of work in national and international communities. You’ll learn how to create a climate of health in the body as well as how to deepen your RZone, the zone of resilient functioning where you can think strategically and be your best self. The last chapter of the book shows you how to take the concepts and skills into the communities that matter the most to you and become a Resilience Messenger.
Now Available on Amazon

What Is Resilience?
Social resilience is the timely capacity of individuals and groups — family, community, country and enterprise — to be more generative during times of stability and to adapt, reorganize and grow in response to disruption. Neuroscience research has shown that the brain can be trained to be more resilient.
Threshold GlobalWorks offers the Social Resilience Model (SRM) – now also called Brain Gain Program (BGP) – as a practical approach to building capacity for adaptive growth, transformational leadership and collaborative intelligence within systems of all sizes. Incorporating peer-to-peer self-regulation skills at all levels of leadership, SRM applies the power of emerging neuroscience wisdom coupled with the experience of community itself, amplified and sustained within social support networks. Customized SRM strategies respect and reflect the unique attributes and aspirations of clients, partners, teams, communities and enterprises with whom TGW is privileged to serve.
Our Vision
We envision a world where it is the norm, rather than the exception, for human beings to live into their full potential and make life-affirming contributions to the whole.
Our Articles & Papers
Into the New Year
We’re well into 2024 and the year has already been a busy one for TGW. I’m going to...
A New Article!
leitch-mccaw-2023-time-to-move-forward-resilience-and-trauma-informed-care (4) Exciting...