A New Article!

Nov 24, 2023

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Exciting news! My colleague, Brigid McCaw, M.D. and I have had our article, “Time to Move Forward: Resilience and Trauma-informed Care”, recently published in the Kaiser Permanente Journal. Click on the link above to read it.

I am particularly excited about this article because in it we propose that the term “Resilience and Trauma Informed Care”(RTIC) replace the term “Trauma Informed Care” (TIC). This may not seem like a big change, but words are important. They shape thinking. Leading with the term ” resilience” rather than “trauma” has the potential to reorient providers’ attention to the resilience of  individuals, families, and communities and not only to their trauma. My many years of working with social service agencies have made me aware of how often an agency’s intake form is focused exclusively on the negatives, including traumas. Not only does this exclude or minimize an inclusion of questions about of the resilience that is an essential building block in healing, but it can also impeded positive, trusting relationships between providers and clients. Just imagine coming to an agency for help or care. Which worker would you want to work with…one who only knows the negative things that have happened in your life…or one who knows your strengths, what you’re proud of, your hopes and dreams in addition to what you need help with? Our proposed term, RTIC, intentionally leads with resilience. Clients, patients, and anyone seeking help and guidance deserves to be known for their resilience. It is the essential building block in healing. Its why way back in 2015 I develop PACES, an insturment that I hoped would replace the ACE Survey. PACES includes the 10 ACE questions but it also includes 10 questions about positives. PACES is being used in several large studies that I know of, maybe more.

I hope you find the article stimulating. If you want to share your response or thoughts with me you can email me at Leitch@thresholdglobalworks.com. And, a big thank you to all of you have have written about your use of my book, Brain Gain. I love hearing about how you are weaving the material into your work and lives!

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